why should you prefer shopify for ecommerce website development

Why Should You Prefer Shopify For eCommerce Website Development?

  • By Adam Parker
  • 19-12-2022
  • E-commerce

The availability of various eCommerce platforms makes choosing the right one for your online store development complex. Among various options, Shopify is emerging as the top eCommerce platform. It powers over a million stores globally, making it a well-suited option to set up an online store.

Using it can help you gain a significant foothold in the eCommerce space.

Do you know what makes Shopify so popular in eCommerce website development? Why is it worthwhile to invest in Shopify development services for developing your online stores?

Keep scrolling the page to know the reasons.

Reasons that make Shopify preferable for your online store development

Secure and Reliable

Security is essential for any web solution. It becomes more vital when we talk about an online store. It is because a store has to deal with customer information, payment data, credit cards, and others.

Shopify facilitates you with various security features, including network monitoring and secure hosting. Moreover, it is PCI-DSS compliant, which is more helpful in protecting the cardholder’s data used for making transactions.

Multiple Payment Gateway Integrations

Integrating a payment gateway makes an eCommerce site different from an ordinary website. Shopify supports over 100 payment gateways and even supports a stripe payment option.

Moreover, Shopify itself offers a payment provider named ‘Shopify Payments’ that comes in nominal transaction fees. It facilitates buyers to make transactions without additional charges. So, by investing in Shopify development services, you can make it possible to integrate a secure payment gateway into your online store.

Customization Possibilities

Shopify comes with a lot of responsive themes with customization possibilities that you can use to create a unique online storefront for your business.

However, it is not an easy task to do, as it seems. There will be a need for technical assistance in this regard.

You can hire a Shopify development company to deeply and perfectly customize the look of your online store.


To ensure your site is visible to your intended audience, you need to make your site SEO-friendly. Shopify supports various SEO features like meta tags and custom title tags. This makes it possible to develop an SEO-friendly website for your business. So, with Shopify, you will be fine with your site rankings in SERPs.

Platform-Independent Web Solutions

In this digital era, when nearly everyone prefers mobile phones to access websites, the need for creating a mobile-responsive online storefront becomes crucial.

Shopify offers mobile responsive themes that can help you build mobile-optimized eCommerce websites. By providing an equal view of your storefront on all devices, it facilitates your customers to access the site on the device of their choice.

This eCommerce platform offers more than just this, making it a perfect choice for your eCommerce store development. For an informed decision on whether to invest in Shopify development services or not, you can consider its 14-day free trial. It will give you a better understanding of the platform.

Who Should You Prefer: Shopify Development Company or a Freelancer

Now, after understanding various Shopify benefits, it is now crucial to understand which one to prefer, a freelancer or a Shopify development company.

Well, it depends on your website development needs, like in the scenario of budget constraints or if you want to complete a specific task, hiring a freelancer will suit you well.

In contrast, hiring a company is the best approach for market-ready website development. They can meet your niche requirements by providing you with customization possibilities.

Instead of opting for a theme, a company can help you achieve custom Shopify development. It lets you include specific functionalities into your website to make it more unique and run faster.

So, whatever your niche is, how complex the user interface you want, or what sort of features you want in your website, a professional team can get it done for you with superior quality.

Cost to Build an eCommerce Site Using Shopify

After going through various Shopify benefits and the slight difference between hiring a freelancer or a Shopify development company, let’s see the cost of Shopify website development.

Though there is no exact quote for website development using Shopify, some factors impact the development price. Considering these factors can give you an average idea of the Shopify website development cost. So, let’s see them.

Shopify Pricing Plans

The first thing that impacts the cost of developing the Shopify website is the different pricing plans you can opt for.

Shopify is available in three pricing plans that are:

Basic Shopify: $29/month
Shopify: $79/month
Advance Shopify: $299/month

Each plan offers a different set of features. You can select one that best suit your website development needs.

Integrating a Payment Processor

To manage transactions or to let your website visitors buy products, every online store requires integrating a payment gateway. It includes a per-item purchase cost which depends on the Shopify plan you choose for your website development. For instance, with a basic Shopify plan, the processing fee for credit card payments is around 2.9% + $.30 per transaction.

Apart from the above-mentioned elements, you may have to pay for incorporating add-ons, hosting, domain name, SSL certificate, and others. Besides, while planning your website development budget, be aware of your needs. Remember, the more complex your needs will be, the more money you might have to spend on their implementation.


Shopify is a feature-rich, competitively priced, and well-suited platform for developing top online stores. Irrespective of your business type, you can choose it for your eCommerce website development.

If the primary aim of your business is marketing and growth, Shopify will be your all-in-one solution. Moreover, Shopify's wide payment gateway support makes it even more helpful in providing a secure and reliable payment gateway to website visitors.

To leverage the benefits of Shopify, you can reach out to a prominent Shopify development company. They can help you make a reputable online presence for your business by providing you with a top-notch eCommerce website.

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